If you own a piano that is due or even over-due for quality refinishing, repair or restoration of any kind, from Las Vegas to Reno, to Apache to Jackpot to Carson City to Virginia City to Area 51, your piano repair is as close as the entrance to your local highway. To your delight and your complete satisfaction, our professional movers will pick up and deliver your beautifully restored piano in less time than you might imagine.
Given the vastness of Las Vegas and the long music history of Reno and Lake Tahoe, it's hard to estimate how many performing pianos have been played and moved across all the stages in these great cities over the years. Like the working stiffs that played them, the pianos were used and abused on a 24 hour basis. What happens to the 'constant use' pianos that work hard and continuously in the daily clubs and casino stages? When these pianos need repair, where do they go?
In Reno, even the largest casinos do not have their own resident piano technicians. If a stage piano needs repair, it is usually sent off to a shop, such as ours, to be repaired. It's easy to imagine how sometimes pianos on the big stages take on their own personal, historical importance, just as our own home pianos do. This might be the case, also, with pianos on the road, especially if a piano embarks upon a significant "world" tour where the piano and other instruments begin to collect the memories and experiences of the show. In such cases, when the piano is in need of repair, it would be sent off to be restored rather than discarded.
Also in Reno, local retail piano stores rent and occasionally loan pianos for specific performances. These pianos, if they need repair, are usually completed in house. And also, since Reno is within the tradition of stage shows and constant entertainment, traveling acts and peformers often bring their own pianos to the stage, and depending upon the fame and fortune of the performer, their own technicians.
Pianos on Stage in Reno
There are signs of the technological age on some of the stages of downtown Reno Casinos -- that is, you find an occasional electronic keyboard where you'd expect to hear a nice, classic stage grand piano instead. But still, you can find many stage acts in some of the finer casinos and in clubs hidden away in the side streets of the city (like the Green Room for jazz music) that still play music on wooden pianos. And with such continuous use, these Reno pianos are more or less in need of constant repair. Such is the way of show business, and like the artists and stage performers themselves, the house runs the piano into the ground. Once the piano is in need of repair, house managers bring in the technician to save the day. It all works out in the end: the piano gets restored, and the people who come to Reno and Sparks to gamble and have a good time return to fill the seats, wanting more! More music! And more music in the real music clubs means more piano repair.
A Piano Played In Two States At Once
Back in the 1950s Frank Sinatra built a club on the edge of Lake Tahoe. He was all rich and famous by then and built the place more for himself and his friends, than for the public. But it was a money making venture, too, and so he went all out making the place interesting. Secret passage ways between the rooms, a fun house type layout of the rooms cascading down toward the lake, and the state line between California and Nevada running right through the middle of the property. In fact, the state line ran through the middle of the outdoor pool and through the middle of the ballroom dancefloor. Dance partners could dance in two states at once and if you straddled the piano across, you could play the piano in two states at once. It's easy to wonder what happened to the pianos that were used to make all that incredible music. Where are they now? Surely these famous pianos have been managed, repaired and rebuilt. In a way, the future of that history resides in those restored pianos.
Piano Repair from Nevada to Pennsylvania and Back
There are some old pianos in the casinos in the mining town of Virginia City, Nevada. Virginia City is built on the side of a mountain and the old bars, casinos and opera house have quite the old west history lesson to tell. Sudden and suddenly lost fortunes, wild gun fights across the bar with the piano in the middle. Some of the pianos are in good repair. Some not so good. But a trip to Virginia City is always a treat. Especially fun is the Boar's Head Feast at the newly refurbished operahouse. A walk in the cemetery at the edge of town is well worth it, too. Very historic and really great views of the wild wild west.
Even pianos in Virginia City can easily make it to our shop for repair, rebuilding and complete restoration services. Our professional piano movers will come from Reno to pick up your piano. They will carefull wrap and pack your piano for its ride to our shop in West Chester, PA, and from Reno using the Interstate Freeway system all the way.